Feb 26, 2015 | Communication, Stories, Writing Practice
Humans are born storytellers. The way we tell and share our stories about who we are, what we do, and what we want. This, in turn, affects who sees us, hears about us, and whether or not the right people connect with us. When you want to learn how to describe yourself...
Oct 7, 2014 | Conscious Community, Life, Stories
The man in the grocery store is in love with me. I can tell by the way that his eyes watch me, and the way he smiles at me from behind the counter. I pull my basket up around the edge of the aisle, glancing briefly at the pop tart magazines. Mmm… chocolate. I grab...
May 5, 2014 | Communication, Professional Development, Stories, Writing Practice
It’s baaaaack! The Writer’s Workshop will open up again this summer for a brand-new six-week session beginning June 30th. The Writer’s Workshop is a live course focused on improving your storytelling, writing, and narrative abilities through eight...
Apr 18, 2014 | Announcements, Communication, Professional Development, Stories, Writing Practice
Humans are born storytellers. The way we tell and share our stories about who we are, what we do, and what we want affects who sees us, hears about us, and whether or not the right people connect with us. If you want to learn how to describe yourself or your business...
Mar 14, 2014 | Communication, Stories
Cue the scene. I’m standing in a big house party, feeling eerily like I’m in an episode of Animal House, red solo cups in hand, loud music, glittery females and dapper gentlemen draped over surfaces. My toes point inwards and my hips clench together a...
Feb 27, 2014 | Life, Motivation, Stories
Ever have those voices in your head, while you’re working or trying something new? That ego. The voice that tells you, whispers softly, cruelly inside of your mind: “You aren’t good enough. This wasn’t very good. Why did you bother?...