May 14, 2012 | Reading List
Books are flying off the shelves and landing on my desk, and for the first time in a long time, I can’t read or write fast enough. I also have WAY too many projects on my plate, and I can’t do them all. So, I think I need your help. I have no idea where...
Jan 24, 2012 | Annual Review, Professional Development, Reading List
“If you stop learning, you are obsolete.” Entrepreneurs and intra-preneurs learn like crazy. (If you don’t know what an intra-preneur is, check out this list of business terms). An intra-preneur is changing the game in his or her current company by...
Mar 23, 2011 | Life, Motivation, Reading List
I want to set up a match. You know, a little blind date. The one where your friends find someone for you that they KNOW is perfect for you. Yes, you. I want you to meet Jenny. ABOUT YOU. YOU: are insanely talented, fresh out of college or somewhere a few years into a...
Mar 4, 2011 | Money + Finances, Reading List
I get a lot of questions for people about money, finance, spending, saving, etc. I occasionally write posts on ways to save money, what it means to save for retirement, financing a car (for which I went through my own blunders) and setting up emergency savings plans....
Feb 10, 2011 | Business and Entrepreneurship, Reading List
If Seth Godin tells you to read something, you better freaking read it. I’m on a plane back from LA, enjoying the peace and quiet of a non-wireless flight with no distractions. I’m re-reading the book REWORK, on my to-read list for 2011, and highlighting the best...
Jan 31, 2011 | Car Free, Reading List
Traffic is an age-old problem: ever since humans have figured out ways to move beyond the facility of our two feet, we have encountered problems of congestion, traffic, movement, and organization. Advances in technology and new forms of mobility (horses and carts and...