Aug 26, 2015 | Reading List
On my desk, there are a few stacks of books that surpass the kindle test. While I am a huge believer in the beauty of physical books, I also put an equal amount on my tablet. But beyond the bookshelves and the kindle — among the thousands of books my husband and I...
Dec 2, 2013 | Life, Reading List, Stories
1. A confession. The first time I picked up my copy of Danielle LaPorte’s Desire Map I could hardly finish it. I watched as social posts flickered in my online vision, people talking about its brilliance and I wondered why I couldn’t handle it. Personally, I wanted to...
Nov 11, 2013 | Annual Review, Organization+Strategy, Reading List
What does 250 blog posts look like? A look back at the archives and the best bits from three years of blogging.
Oct 24, 2013 | Reading List, Swimming
The cold water shocked my arms and sent a panic message from my limbs to my brain–and my heart. I was set to make a big swim–a 1.5 mile arc from San Francisco’s Alcatraz Island to Ghirardelli Square, the famed Alcatraz swim. The thing is, I said I...
Oct 11, 2013 | Conscious Community, Motivation, Reading List
You and me, we’re the magic of the internet. Last week I sent out a survey to readers to get a better sense of this community that we’re growing here. We had nearly 200 responses to the survey, and the results are in — Here’s what we look like:...
Sep 6, 2013 | Life, Professional Development, Reading List
A big welcome to all the new faces and readers who have found me through the Thought Catalog essays, Scoutie Girl, and my recent interview with Barrett Brooks on the Living for Monday Show! It’s been a busy week behind the scenes over here, and consequently...