Jun 2, 2013 | Big Life Questions, Decision Making, Less is More: Living Minimally and Simply, Motivation, Post-It
Even the master yogi took a first class. To become anything, you have to begin. Start somewhere, take a tiny step. Something is better than nothing. Everyone starts somewhere.
Feb 11, 2013 | Post-It, Swimming
In your life, you’ll disappoint people. You may be wildly successful, outrageously funny, brilliant and do extraordinary things. You also will likely disappoint someone, at some time. And the more that you attempt to do, be, and discover, the higher probability...
Dec 19, 2012 | Communication, How People Work, Post-It
Feelings, emotions, troubles and woes: no one is immune, despite the shiny glory of the internet and our addictions to various social-media outlets. I have a handy trick that I’ve used with a lot of success over the past couple of years each time I get...
Dec 10, 2012 | Big Life Questions, Motivation, Post-It
I’ve lived long enough–and talked to enough people–to know that everyone has something. Behind the exterior, behind the face, behind the brilliance or seeming-perfection, there are stories. People have lived through loss, hardship, trauma, and fear;...
Oct 12, 2012 | Balance, Motivation, Post-It
In the doing of things, mistakes will be made. But you are doing the things, and that is good. In the face of fear, you can wait or do nothing. You can also choose to act despite the fear. (And not doing something is actually doing something). Choose wisely.