Sep 13, 2020 | Health and Wellness, Motivation
Today I want to share a tool that can help you set yourself up for a successful day. I learned about it from Hugh Jackman. Hugh is a well-known musical theater performer, artist, and singer (who holds the Guinness World Record for “longest career as a live-action Marvel superhero”). He talked about the practice he uses on a recent episode of The Tim Ferriss podcast. Here’s how it works.
Sep 16, 2019 | Motivation
There’s so much focus on flow and ease—finding the things that bring us joy, that give us delight and satisfaction. I’ll admit, I love it when writing flows. When the ideas come, when I have so much I want to say and it comes pouring out of me. But there...
Mar 17, 2015 | How People Work, Motivation, Professional Development
“Squeezing your business (or career, or relationship, or lifestyle) into someone else’s plan hurts, and it denies your own self-leadership.” — Tara Gentile, Quiet Power Strategy There are a lot of plans and products out there that sell you a process...
Nov 22, 2014 | Decision Making, Less is More: Living Minimally and Simply, Motivation
It’s always the same story for me: I start a project, a class, an idea, or a story. I eagerly rush in, align my pencils, lay out my notebooks, and make delirious plans in my calendar. That first day, ideas and dreams pour out of me. Then four days pass. I waver,...
May 1, 2014 | Life, Motivation
I don’t care who you pretend you are. I don’t care so much who you pretend you are when you’re well fed, well dressed, well slept, put together, prepared, And so called ready… When the polish is fresh and the face newly painted, airbrushed layers covering...
Mar 31, 2014 | Motivation, Professional Development
“Dream big. Reach for the stars. The only limit is in your mind.” How often do you hear these words? We’re filled with the power of positive mantras in motivational texts, books, and seminars. The problem with expansive thinking, however, is that too...