A Serving of Gratitude Saves the Day

Did you see the headline of the New York Times? It turns out that a serving of gratitude does wonders for you psychologically: “Cultivating an “attitude of gratitude” has been linked to better health, sounder sleep, less anxiety and depression, higher long-term...

A Few of the Things I’m So Grateful For

What’s in the trunk?   My dad just moved to Colorado and I’m here for the week, visiting for the first time. The cold, snowy mountains outside of Denver are filled with deer, elk, and other creatures that wander up to the backyard and say hello. (There’s also a...

The Power of Breath: Why Breathing Happens Before All Else

It’s not always easy to breathe. Breathing—the intake of oxygen and the exhalation of carbon dioxide—is life’s essential force. It’s the first step our physical bodies take towards making all other actions possible, including thinking. In swimming, the rhythm of...

William James on Consciousness and Movement

William James, from the University of Amsterdam In the 1961 text titled Psychology: The Briefer Course, William James, (an eminent theorist and one of the founders of modern psychology), writes a series of essays on habits, consciousness, the self, attention,...

What’s On Your Mind?

“We’re not here, for that long, anyway. But to spend almost half our time lost in thought, and for the most part unhappy at that–well that’s pretty tragic, isn’t it?” — Andy Puddicombe How does your mind work? What brought you...