Every year I do an annual review, and the process teaches me so much. It’s invaluable. Central to my work in studying who we are and why we do what we do is a steady aim of building life-worthy habits. I’m fascinated by my daily, monthly, and yearly habits, and how to continually improve my own performance. So each month, and again at the end of the year, I write a report and reflect on where I’ve been and where I’m going.

I’ve decided to go ahead and (gulp) share it, in entirety.
I’m a bit nervous to do so, because when I started writing it, it was just for me. The insights are personal and raw, and it recaps a year that professionally, felt often like a struggle and a challenge. No triumph, no magic wand. There were solid successes: The mastermind program I built went well, and sustained my end of my agreements with my partner.

The biggest disappointment? No book proposal, no book deal. Instead, the Startup Pregnant project took me in a different direction, and I learned how hard the writing process is for me, and how much more I want to grow, specifically with what kind of work I want to be making, and what habits I need to cultivate to make it happen. And, I’ve been trying to stay open to the magic of what the work wants, rather than forcing my assumptions of what it needs to be onto it.

I hope sharing this report is as useful to you as making it was for me.

My 2017 Annual Report.

If you’d like to do one of your own, here are links to my monthly review template, and the annual review questions I use for you to do your own.