One puzzle of being a regular blogger is considering what the collection of essays adds up to over time. I’ve written before about why I write, my writing habits and how important it is to me to show up to the process. I’ve written consistently 3-4 times a month for nearly seven years, with a few breaks here and there. As it stands now, this site has nearly 500 different essays, posts, and drawings.

The problem is that this can become unwieldy to organize and categorize and it becomes in need of blog organization.

I decided to go through and re-categorize the essays anew, based on my understanding of the questions I was exploring, and the way that my mind has meandered over the years. Here’s a new map to my website, and it is, as always, a work in progress (click each link to see the essays in the category):

Big life questions

What makes a life worth living? What will you do with your one “wild and precious life”? How will you design the arc of your time here on the planet? Let’s ask big questions.

Business + entrepreneurship

Oh, the glamour of startup life. What makes businesses work, and entrepreneurs thrive? What are some of the less-known stories about making it as a business owner?

Conscious community

How do you craft a conscious community that you want to be a part of? How do you connect with great people, join a mastermind group, and build a brain trust to elevate your work further? Join me in studying how to connect deeply with others, build trust, make friends (as adults!) and find peers who resonate deeply with you. Read the series.

Crafting your career

In the new world of work, you have to take responsibility for designing the arc of your own body of work. What will your career look like? What projects will you be a part of? In crafting your career, what’s most important to you about what you do?

Decision making

Making decisions is hard. But not making them is even harder. When you learn how to make decisions quickly, effectively, and in the face of uncertain information, you stay fast. The secret to getting ahead is getting started: the secret to getting started lies in the art of decision making.

Health + wellness

In my time as a college swimmer, yoga teacher, and longtime athlete, I look at both physical and mental health as critical to our overall well being. These stories come from athleticism, sport, triumph, food, energy, and spirituality perspectives.

How people work: behavior + habits

Why do we do the things we do? This series of essays looks at human behavior, habits, psychology, and the weird ways that people act, behave, and think.

Less is more: living minimally and simply

When we consciously choose to live with less, designing our lives around simplicity, minimalism, and intention, we learn, paradoxically, that less is more.


Living a life of mindfulness involves a gentle inquiry into gratitude, simplicity, meditation, awareness, and using your curiosity and wonder to guide you.


The journey through pregnancy, postpartum, motherhood, and becoming a parent: what it’s like to start a family and raise kids.

Reading list

Find great books to add to your reading list. With book notes, round-up lists of great seasonal books, and hundreds of hours of research, I’ll bring you dozens of good books to read, updated regularly. Want to get smarter, faster? Read my book notes and skim my recommendations for what to read (and what to skip).

Writing practice

Want to develop a great writing practice? Get the latest research and tips on writing, developing a writing practice, and building your writing habit. Study famous writers so you can improve. Learn new writing tips, frameworks, and strategies for creating great narratives, stories, and articles.