Feb 26, 2015 | Communication, Stories, Writing Practice
Humans are born storytellers. The way we tell and share our stories about who we are, what we do, and what we want. This, in turn, affects who sees us, hears about us, and whether or not the right people connect with us. When you want to learn how to describe yourself...
Feb 24, 2015 | Writing Practice
It’s hard to understand why so many people are spending so much time investing in making “free content” when there are so many other things to do in building a business. Have you ever made a product and wondered why it didn’t go anywhere, or feel like you’re spinning...
Feb 8, 2015 | Health and Wellness
There are secret spaces inside of any city. In Brooklyn, the underground subway is noisy, chaotic, and dirty. I wear gloves to avoid germs, and I try not to touch anything if I can try. Loud advertisements are ripped and edited almost immediately after they are...