Oct 27, 2014 | Writing Practice
I love checking the mailbox. I’ve had pen pals since I was seven years old — and it’s one of the ways Alex and I first met. Yet in today’s busy-busy world, how do you make time to sit down, get out the pen, and write a note? Here are a few tricks you...
Oct 21, 2014 | Crafting Your Career, Writing Practice
As I wander through cities, one of the things I look for is evidence of fresh construction. Cities are living, breathing, pulsating organisms, and a great indicator of change is the number of cranes you can see dotting the skyline. In San Francisco, new construction...
Oct 7, 2014 | Conscious Community, Life, Stories
The man in the grocery store is in love with me. I can tell by the way that his eyes watch me, and the way he smiles at me from behind the counter. I pull my basket up around the edge of the aisle, glancing briefly at the pop tart magazines. Mmm… chocolate. I grab...