Nov 29, 2013 | Mindfulness
Did you see the headline of the New York Times? It turns out that a serving of gratitude does wonders for you psychologically: “Cultivating an “attitude of gratitude” has been linked to better health, sounder sleep, less anxiety and depression, higher long-term...
Nov 27, 2013 | Mindfulness
What’s in the trunk? My dad just moved to Colorado and I’m here for the week, visiting for the first time. The cold, snowy mountains outside of Denver are filled with deer, elk, and other creatures that wander up to the backyard and say hello. (There’s also a...
Nov 24, 2013 | How People Work
We all wear masks from time to time: in our words, our habits, and our practices. We have an arsenal of crutches and shortcuts that slowly but surely hide who we are. They are things that prop us up and help us hide. We hide from our feelings and our desires. We hide...
Nov 22, 2013 | Less is More: Living Minimally and Simply, Life
Crack. That moment, when your heart swells in open with thanks. When a stranger sends you a smile and a whisper. The unexpected brush of a hand against yours. The warmth of the subway air after a walk through frozen city streets. A free coffee from the barista. When...
Nov 19, 2013 | Health and Wellness, Life, Travel
I’m a little bit at a loss for words. I’m back from Bali, landing back in the USA after a flight pulled me 13 hours backwards in time, depositing me into the winter hemisphere. While I was gone, our city decorated the streets of Brooklyn with holiday...