Why You Have to Ask
What happens when you don’t ask? Well, one thing’s for certain: You won’t find out. So, ask. Say what you want. Often you can’t get what you want until you put yourself out there.
What happens when you don’t ask? Well, one thing’s for certain: You won’t find out. So, ask. Say what you want. Often you can’t get what you want until you put yourself out there.
What I’m reading: Creativity, Start-ups, Marissa Mayer and how adults make friends later in life (do they?)
We live in a world of abundance, and this is the year that I finally became worth nothing. Out of all the things that I worked through and built this year, the entire time I still had a bed to sleep in, a family close by, a job that I went to everyday and plenty of food to eat. A pool to swim in, places to run, a city to call home. When I returned from WDS this year, I was humbled, quiet, confused, and a bit sad: despite all of the engagement, inspiration, and learning, I still wonder: Am I doing things worthwhile? I’m not sure yet. Is there more to do? Absolutely. Have I reached all of my capabilities? I don’t think so. Can I do more? Yes. There’s so much more I want to do. Join me as I try to raise $29,000 for my 29th birthday — and if I do it, I promise to be a little crazy. More crazy, I mean.