Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude.

Okay, so I’m relatively new to the blogging world. Forgive me, but I didn’t know who Leo Babauta was until about 4 months ago, and I didn’t read blogs regularly.  Previously, I was too focused on being a graduate student and trying not to be miserable while studying/doing/thinking about landscape architecture 100% of the time.

In the last six months, one of my favorite things to do has been explore blogs and brilliant websites slowly and learn more about the wonderful authors behind them. Perhaps I finally understand what it means to “surf the internet”- and continually be amazed and humbled by the brilliance that is social connectivity. Today, we have the opportunity to meet so many like minds and great thinkers, all while curled up behind our computers.  Strange, odd, and downright wonderful.

I really love the expression “curling up with a good blog.” Just like books, blogs are big, deep, rich efforts that chronicle the thinking of their authors over time, through different topics, through different adventures.  In the age of the iPad and the Kindle, I love sitting in my favorite chair and reading one blogger for an hour or two. I usually save these for early weekend mornings, late evenings, or times when I enjoy reading – when I’m not in the middle of a book or project at that moment (ahhh, who am I kidding, I’m always in the middle of a book).

The blogger IS real. Just as you learn about me each time I post, or if you stumble onto this corner of the internet and find an essay or article I’ve written, I also get to learn about my favorite bloggers by doing one of my favorite things … reading.

So, without further ado, here are some of the bloggers that really rocked my world in the last few months of 2010. I am incredibly humbled and grateful for the people out there who each teach, guide and explore the world through their writing and thinking. These are phenomenal people, talented writers, and amazing thinkers. I’d like to meet them ALL in person – (many of them I already have!) – just to say thanks for writing and for being spectacular. And, I’d encourage them to keep writing | doing | being.

Bloggers and Resources I love (and am grateful for!)

Unconventional Thinking, Freedom, Escape:

The Art of Non-Conformity, by Chris Guillebeau. (And the book!)
Escaping the 9-to-5, by Maren Kate.
Ridiculously Extraordinary, by Karol Gajda.
Advanced Riskology, by Tyler Tervooren.

Life, Career Design, Happy-ness

Life After College, by Jenny Blake (and check our her awesome new book, here!)
Kunbre Blog, by Brett Kunsche.
Everyday Bright, by Jennifer Gresham.
Illuminated Mind, by Jonathan Mead.

Crack me up Awesome + Smart

The Middle Finger Project, by Ashley Ambirge.
White Hot Truth, by Danielle LaPorte.
Evolvify, by Andrew Badenoch.

Money + Finances

Get Rich Slowly, by J.D. Roth.
I Will Teach You To Be Rich, by Ramit Sethi.
Man Vs. Debt, by Adam Baker.

Less + Minimalism:

ZenHabits, by Leo Babauta.
FarBeyondTheStars, by Everett Bogue.

For Writers and people new to blogging:

WritetoDone (and check out their Top Writing Blogs for 2010)
A-List Blogging
Think Traffic

Some kick-ass websites I’d just like to throw out there:

Information Is Beautiful
The 99 percent
TED. “Ideas worth spreading.” (Listen to one every day!)
50 NetSetters

Have any great blogs you want to share? I’m all ears.

And an endnote on focus and reading blogs: I find that trying to keep up with everyone all the timecan be counter-productive – I don’t have time for email subscriptions while working (it sort of hinders the focus I try to cultivate when writing and/or designing at work).  So I sign up to my favorites, fill up my “blog” inbox, and then when I feel like reading … I scroll through the inbox like I’m perusing a book shelf, flip through a few titles of recent articles, and inevitably, an author hooks me. I click on their website. If it’s a new one, I start at the front, I look through the website, and I check out the gallery, I read the about pages and the manifestos. If I’m hooked for good, I’ll go to the archives. And I read – I skim through some of the older posts, stopping to check out the great content, flagging my favorite posts and essays (on Delicious or in my own link system that I keep). If your writing really stands out, I’ll send you an email. I love meeting new people for coffee, wine, or a random other event.

Cheers to some fabulous thinking, writing, and being in 2010. Each of you impress me, amaze me, and inspire me.