
Each year, I run a private mastermind for a small group of thoughtful, creative people ready to level up in a holistic manner. The program is typically 8-9 months long and requires a dedication to expanding yourself, your business, and your mind. The program starts at $5,000 (Although I am currently experimenting with a community model at a lower fee and pay-as-you-go access to coaching calls as a way to stay mindful of your business needs.)

In 2015, the pilot program of the virtual mastermind launched with a group of incredible people—including a social impact CEO, a PhD poet, an independent architect, a global nomad, a google software engineer, and more. Since then, I’ve hosted dozens of different groups of ambitious, extraordinary people: authors, technologists, startup co-founders, young entrepreneurs, and more.

At the moment, I’m hosting masterminds specifically for women at the intersection of parenting and leadership. If you’d like to apply to the Mastermind, check out the Startup Pregnant Mastermind. If you’d like to read more about what a mastermind is, and what people have to say about it, continue reading below.

Not sure yet but curious about what it is?

I have a series of essays explaining how a mastermind works, how to start your own, and what you need to know to join one:

The Power of Your Network

Why Your Next Most Important Business Move Might Be Starting A Mastermind

9 Things To Know Before You Start Your Own Mastermind

Why Listening Well Is More Important Than Giving Advice

What Is A Mastermind And Should You Join One?

What people have said about the mastermind:

“Sarah’s ability to connect people is like magic. Once you meet your Mastermind tribe, you’re sure to build relationships that have the potential to last longer than the 3 months you’re together.” — Shannon Callarman, Content Director at Red Caffeine Marketing & Technology

“I loved the call to be generous with our time and talents, and how that was met by each deeply invested participant. I felt as if I had a new circle of supporters, people who I also wanted to help meet their goals and dig into challenges and big ideas. The community, all centered around wanting to do and be even better selves, was incredibly empowering.”— Jessica Ashley, Content Strategist and Creator, Founder of Single Mom Nation

“I loved having a designated space, time, and community with which to dive deep into the most pressing questions in my personal and professional life. This structure worked really well for me because it provided structured times to pose and answer important questions, an accountability group that inspired me and pushed me to dig deeper, and finally a look into the questions, struggles, and aha moments of other ambitious people! After this mastermind, I have seriously wondered how people function without a similar support network and structure!” — Michele C, Social Entrepreneur

What is a Mastermind and how does it work?

“A mastermind gathers a group of ambitious people who are committed to personal and professional development, and with the guidance of a coach, explore deep questions in their professional and personal life. A mastermind provides a platform to ask yourself tough questions, up your game, and learn from others’ journeys, while also providing a strong accountability group and expert coaching.”— Michele C, Social Entrepreneur

“My biggest “A-ha” moment was that we need others. None of us can do it alone. It made me realize how much of a bubble I’ve been living in. I knew the Mastermind was what I needed, but I had no idea how fulfilling it would be.” — Shannon Callarman, Content Director at Red Caffeine Marketing & Technology

“This mastermind is a group of people with diverse, dynamic skills and experiences who come together with a shared investment in digging in deep to goals, ideas and ways to be even better at what we do. It is a structured with workshops, one-on-ones, journaling, calls, meet-ups, rituals and exercises that will help you think bigger, inspire you to reach out for help and consider new ways of being and doing that are YOU x 1000.”— Jessica Ashley, Content Strategist and Creator, Founder of Single Mom Nation

“With two very young kids, I came into the Mastermind knowing that spending time with family was a top priority for me, but uncertain how to balance this desire with my love for tech startups and being part of big things. The biggest “aha” moment occurred when I took an objective look at my schedule and figured out how much I can work without sacrificing other aspects of my life. Given this framework of thoughts and constraints, I could then look to design a career that I’m passionate with inherent firewalls to protect against overwork.” — Patrick, Robotics and Engineering Consultant

“The experience of going through the mastermind with you and our crew was incredible. It left me feeling inspired, supported, poised, and empowered to take action to make my dream of running my own business a reality! I learned concrete tools and ideas from you and my peers in the group and felt truly held and heard in all of our interactions. Thank you for creating this space for our group to gather.” — Gretchen, Senior Planner, San Francisco

How it works:

“If you can come to the group with even a vague description of what you’re struggling with or where you want to get to, the group will help you get to the root of your goals and break down that problem into tangible pieces. Once made conscious, you can then work systematically to tackle these various pieces and make serious progress towards achieving your goals.”— Patrick, Robotics and Engineering Consultant

“My biggest a-ha came in a session with Sarah and another mastermindee about an idea I had to expand my consulting business. Through some straightforward questions that were not easy to answer, I saw that I was generating so many ideas about how to work with so many organizations and people that I wasn’t building the project that means the most to me. I was getting lost in my client relationships and in my frantic way of finding new business. The real issue was (and continues to be) my value: how I value myself and my skills and expertise, how I set my rate to reflect that value, and how I make time and space to nurture the projects I most value. It changed everything about the way I work and the plans I have made for the year ahead.” —Jessica Ashley, Content Strategist and Creator, Founder of Single Mom Nation

Who is it for?

“The Mastermind is perfect for the highly driven individual who is looking to build a trustworthy and dependable tribe to help them move forward. It’s for the type of person who not only is willing to ask for help, but also willing to show up and be there for others 100%. The Mastermind is perfect for both introverts and extroverts — the only requirement is deep curiosity.”— Shannon Callarman, Content Director at Red Caffeine Marketing & Technology

“This mastermind is perfect for seekers, for people who work for themselves or have their own businesses, or who feel called to break away from the pack. It is perfect for those who have personal or professional ideas that feel exciting but overwhelming, or who crave community and accountability, who need some structure and support in making something amazing come to life.” — Jessica Ashley, Content Strategist and Creator, Founder of Single Mom Nation

“I loved the diversity of people who shared the same values of motivation, growth and learning. It totally exceeded my expectations! This is a structured Mastermind with the opportunity to meet other high-quality, motivated people, dig deep into your questions via deep dives and make progress on your goals.” — Diana Jaunzeikare, Sotfware Engineer, Google