Work in progress

We are all a work in progress. Not every day is perfect, blissful, extraordinary, or filled only with the “happy” emotion. Everyone I know has down times, unhappy days, troughs of long, hard work, and problems they have or currently are working through....

You Will Disappoint People

In your life, you’ll disappoint people. You may be wildly successful, outrageously funny, brilliant and do extraordinary things. You also will likely disappoint someone, at some time. And the more that you attempt to do, be, and discover, the higher probability...

Everybody Has Something

I’ve lived long enough–and talked to enough people–to know that everyone has something. Behind the exterior, behind the face, behind the brilliance or seeming-perfection, there are stories. People have lived through loss, hardship, trauma, and fear;...

Prioritize action over fear.

In the doing of things, mistakes will be made. But you are doing the things, and that is good. In the face of fear, you can wait or do nothing. You can also choose to act despite the fear. (And not doing something is actually doing something). Choose wisely.