Alone in the Water: Swimming Bridge to Bridge

May Twenty One. Two thousand eleven. Saturday. It’s eight in the evening. I’m tired, but I can’t sleep. My eyes stay open even underneath the closed lids, and I think fleetingly about tomorrow. I’m tucked into my warm bed, lying flat against the bed covers,...

The beauty of adversity.

Despite knowing that adversity makes us better; that challenge polishes our edges; that experience broadens our knowledge, we still have a fear of the unknown, of the hard, of the difficult. Instead of fearing uncertainty, embrace it. When faced with adversity,...

Learn by doing

You can’t figure everything by thinking, supposing or guessing. Sometimes you have to take action. Sometimes you just have to do it – and figure it out along the way.  

Something worth talking about

“Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.”  – Helen Keller There aren’t very many people in this world who do things worth talking about. Watching the telly on a Sunday night? Not so interesting. Gossiping, checking email, doing the same old thing?...